Just in time for Christmas shenanigans I was sent this awesome gadget known as the SelfieStick! This mono-pod was a popular present this year if you haven’t already noticed.
Mobile Madhouse is a website that is full of different phone cases for various phones. That reminds me I need a case for my new iphone 6 plus!!
I was surprised to see that they recently just started selling selfie sticks. And for only £9.99*!
There are many different types of selfie sticks:
1- Some with a clicky button at the end of the stick
2- Some where you have to rely on self timer
3 And some that come with a Bluetooth device like this one
This wireless button came with a battery already which was great. All you have to do is find it on your bluetooth and when connected, it links to your camera shutter. How cool!
This is perfect for capturing moments without the photographer missing out on the action. The springy part for clipping in the phone has a good range of movement so it can fit all sized phones. The only annoying thing which you have to be careful is, is that you have to make sure the wireless remote is switched off after use. It seems like a stupidly logic thing to do but if left on, it drains the battery super quick… you can tell I learnt that the hard way.
Is there even a guide for how to use a selfie stick? Let me do some research as this seems like fun collating what people of the internet think is the right way!!
– Extend the stick as much as you can for a greater distance
-Don’t include the stick in the picture (Can’t always be avoided though)
-Keep the selfie stick up for a birds eye view
-Be in good lighting
-Use the camera’s back lighting
-Try a fish angle or gopro on the stick
– Pose like noone is watching
-Get your friends and family in on the action
I recently reviewed one of their iphone 5 leather phone cases which you can read about here and a review of their 4s case can be found here.
Also you can see the pictures I took with it over on my instagram @mintyessence.
Have you got a selfie-stick or tried one out yet?
Mobile Madhouse- Selfie Stick
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