Hi hi! Today’s post is about the ever so neglected face. You probably aren’t as bad as me when it comes down to keeping up a great skin care regime, but I’ve decided to make a change! When I say …

Beauty ◊ Fashion ◊ Travel ◊ Lifestyle
Hi hi! Today’s post is about the ever so neglected face. You probably aren’t as bad as me when it comes down to keeping up a great skin care regime, but I’ve decided to make a change! When I say …
I have never tried any products from ‘Bare Minerals’ before so was excited to try this eye shadow. Conveniently I got this in one of my Glossybox’s. Although I was given half the size at 1g instead of 2g …
1- Alessandro Pro White Nail Polish (Germany) – I think this is a great idea behind the purpose of this nail polish. It is to brighten yellow stained nails as a result of wearing too much nail polish or …
This post is going to be about how I achieve my everyday look. It is quite natural and this is the make-up I am currently using. I am still trying to seek out which products work best for me …
I have been searching for the ‘right’ blush for my skin tone for a while now. But what exactly do you class as the ‘right one’? Well for starters, if i am intending on trying different ones, I should get …
Revlon Lip Butter (Creme Brulee) I popped into my local Boots with the intension of getting my mum a birthday present that she would love. I found myself buying the ‘oh so’ hyped about Lip Butter …
Glossybox- July 2012 1- Paul Mitchell Awapuhi Moisture Mist – I have another product that is from this brand but for my hair, so was surprised this product could be used for both hair and skin. This hydrates and moisturizes your …
1-Real Techniques Stippling brush This I gotta try, especially when on the packaging it says it gives airbrushed effects with dual fibre brush. This will be great for blending in my liquid foundation. 2- Liz earl cleansing + polish Hot …
In this blogpost I will show you how I apply an ombré pastel look on my nails which is currently trending! Well ombre basically is the gradual mix of two colours. In this example, I am going to …
I love body/hand creams and I don’t think you can ever have too many! But what is your best and worst hand cream? That is the question. My ‘go to creams’ this month are below which I thought I would share …